
It’s hard to know where my love of photography began. Was it pouring over the family albums my father diligently put together year after year. Was it his dual Zenith camera kit which he kept in a foam lined hard shelled briefcase. Or perhaps it was a trip to Africa as an impressionable teenager. Perhaps it was all of those things.

In the early nineties, feeling somewhat adrift, I decided to enroll in a brief photography course focusing on darkroom printing and developing. Though the course was primarily technical and offered little in terms of artistic development, I was captivated by the process. To me, the darkroom was a realm of magic, and I held firm to the belief that true creativity couldn’t be taught but had to be discovered organically.

Since then, my journey in photography has been both long and extraordinary, filled with unexpected twists and turns. Photography eventually led me to a career in the film industry, where I spent nearly three decades, the latter fifteen as a Director of Photography. However, my path took an unexpected turn when cancer entered the picture.

The diagnosis came late and the cancer well advanced. So, I had to stop my career as a DOP and dedicate myself 24/7 to my quest to heal. I believe it is a sign of my healing that I have rediscovered my original love of simple photography. One camera, one lens, perhaps a tripod. No trucks of camera gear, no lights, no grip gear, no art department, no actors, no super stars, no clients, no agencies. Just me, my eye, my camera and a love for the art that has sustained me through all these years. May this passion continue to fuel my journey for many more years to come.

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